Sunday, December 21, 2014

Reading Habits Book Tag!

(Disclaimer: I did not come up with this tag. It was actually created by a youtuber whose channel is: bethjune327. Original video here.)

1) Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

Not really. I usually will read in my room on my bed. Or if I'm reading something for school I will read at my desk in my study room.

2) Bookmark or a random piece of paper?

I will pretty much use whatever is around me. I'll use the occasional recite, sticky note, gum wrapper.... But I NEVER fold the pages.... (NEVER)

3) Can you stop reading at any time you want, or do you have to stop at a certain page, chapter, etc.?

I don't think I'm capable of just stopping... lol. If I do I have to stop on a cliffhanger, I know that sounds odd but it makes me want to keep reading the book. It prevents me from going into a reading slump. 
(even though I'm in one right now... unfortunately)

4) Do you usually eat or drink while reading?

Most of the time I drink while reading. The reason being, is I don't want to get the pages stained or dirty in my book.

5) Can you read while listening to music/watching T.V?

NO! One of my biggest bookish pet peeves is when someone is talking or playing music while I'm trying to read!!! 

6) One book at a time, or several at once?

One at a time. I don't even know how people can read multiple books at one time. I start getting the events in each book mixed up if I do that.

7) Reading at home or everywhere?

I can read anywhere that is quiet.

8) Reading out loud or silently in your head?

Definitely in my head. I CAN NOT read aloud. I'm pretty sure if you heard me read out loud you would think I couldn't read... It's that bad, lol

9) Do you read ahead or skip pages?

Okay, I'm guilty.... I will sometimes read ahead a few sentences....I know, I know; It's awful... But in my defense it's sometimes by accident. I don't know how it

10) Breaking the spine or keeping it new?

What? How is this a question?


11) Do you write in books?

No, unless it's for school.


  1. This is a cool tag. I agree with most of your answers. I don't think I've ever used a bookmark. At the moment I'm using a train ticket from 3 months ago.
    I really like your blog!
    Marian ^_^

    btw you say "lol" a LOT!!!

    1. Thanks so much it really means a lot!

      Maybe I'll start saying "haha" instead, I noticed that I do say "lol" a lot yesterday!
