Friday, February 27, 2015

Moonchild By: Ewa Zwonarz

Author: Ewa Zwonarz

Published By: Acamar Press

Released: December 5th 2014

Official Synopsis: "Growing up in rural Poland, Eve's small-town existence is radically transformed by a series of lucid dreams, influenced by the moon, in which she is exposed to Sariel, a fallen angel. Sariel's cryptic messages, and demands for Eve to free him, draw her deeper and deeper into an ancient story of love, loss, and redemption. Eve's desire to heed the callings of her inner-life are confronted and challenged by family secrets and growing dysfunction, and her increasing alienation from her peers at school.
Determined to find out who she really is, and the truth about her family legacy, Eve undertakes a quest, guided by a strange boy who calls himself Punk, in which dreams and reality merge, and a buried past is brought into the light."
                              *I was sent this book in exchange for my honest review*
My Review: 
This book follows a teenage girl named Eve. She hangs out with more of the punk rock group of kids. Eve unfortunately doesn't have the best home life... Her sister and her always fight, and their dad is abusive towards their mother.... And on top of all that their family is having some financial issues.

But luckily for Eve she has a best friend named Ben who tries to help her out through some of her issues. Recently Eve has been having these strange dreams about a boy... Or is he an angle? Eve doesn't really know, but definitely wants to find out. What Eve doesn't know if her quest to find this boy will send her on an epic journey where she discovers family secrets, fallen angles, and a whole lot of magic!

Overall I think this is a really well written book. The exposition was written well, the whole book had a good story line, and the characters had a lot depth to them. The downside to this novel is it took a really long time to read, and I didn't feel that motivated to read it either. About halfway through the book it started to keep dragging on, which is unfortunate because it made the reading experience a little less enjoyable. Also it was VERY complex and confusing at times.

This book deals with a lot of philosophical ideas, which have more of a religious aspect to them. I haven't read many books like that so it was hard for me, personally, to understand many parts of this book. The characters had a lot of depth to them which I really liked.  But at one point I started to feel that there was just too many people in this book (I don't know if that makes any sense...) I couldn't decipher who was who. But, I liked how there were always things you were learning about the characters throughout the novel, it kept my judgement on what kind of person the character was changing. About halfway through the book we start to learn more about Eve's family history from her grandfather, this was one of the highlights of the book for me because I found it interesting/intriguing to read about. At times I found the family relationship between Eve and Daniel confusing especially in the beginning. The world building was VERY complex, I think the author did a good job but as I said before it was just too much for me at times...The second part of the book went a little too fast for my liking. But it helped that all the places Eve went were described in great detail. Overall this is a very complex book, but it is filled with magic, mystery, and teaches many lessons on life. I recommend it if you want to read something one of a kind!

I give this book 3 out of 5 stars!

Visit the authors website: 

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