Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Let's Talk Books! Discussion #1

Topic: Buying

Heres the problem: Once I go into to a bookstore looking for 1 specific book, I end up leaving with 5.... And this wouldn't be a problem if books weren't so freakin expensive!

So because I'm a 
teenager... and for there broke... I try to come up with a list of reasons why my parents should buy me this particular book, but the
best excuse I can come up with is: BECAUSE I NEED IT
After my many attempts to get someone to buy me a book I so desperately need, I usually end up getting this look from my mother

And after "the look" comes the same routine:

1st: the negotiation
The conversation usually goes like this:
Me- "Can I get this book?"

My Mother- "No."
Me- "What if I pay half."

My Mother- "No."
Me- "How about I pay you back?"

My Mother- "Still, no."

So as you can tell the conversation usually goes nowhere and I end up paying for my own book...

Step 2: Begging
(I think this is pretty much self explanatory)

Step 3: The Guilt Trip: At this point I have now exhausted all my tactics to try to convince my parents to buy me a book, and resort to guilting them... This doesn't always go the way I planned and I end up getting a lecture on how I should be "more responsible with how I spend my money."

This gets one of my notorious eye rolls

And finally after all my lame attempts to get the book... I still don't get it.

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