Thursday, March 12, 2015

My Life Next Door By: Huntley Fitzpatrick

Author: Huntley Fitzpatrick 

Publisher: Speak

Released: June 13th, 2013

Official Synopsis: "Life in Samantha Reed's home is neat and clean and orderly- precisely planned by her local politician mother. Next door, at the Garretts', things are loud, messy, and irresistible. And when gorgeous Jase Garrett climbs the trellis outside her bedroom and enters her life, she finds herself falling passionately in love with him and everything he brings with him. The only hitch is, she's got to hide it from her mother. Then something unthinkable happens, and Samantha is suddenly faced with an impossible decision. Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself?"

My Review: My Life Next Door was an adorable and heartbreaking story about Samantha Reed, a teenage girl who has to live up to her strict mother's standards, and Jase Garrett a young boy who has a loving mother and father with tons of siblings and drama; falling in love, and having to deal with consequences that come with having a forbidden romance.

Samantha's mother has despised the Garrett's since they moved next door 10 years ago. She hates anything that could destroy her image of a perfect family, with herself, Samantha, and Tracy; Samantha's older, and rebellious, sister. But Samantha has always wondered what it would be like to live a carefree and adventurous life... And when Jase Garrett climbs up the trellis to her bedroom window her life will change forever.

Samantha soon falls madly in love with Jase and his whole family. But she has to keep her relationship hidden from her mother, who would flip out if she knew... One night something tragic happens that effects both the Reed's and the Garretts's and Samantha is faced with a hard decision... Which family is best for her? The Garrett's with their loving, and hectic household. Or her mother and sister; who are the only related family Samantha has left. Samantha has to learn that family is the ones who will support you in all your decisions and love you unconditionally. Not necessarily the ones your related too.

This book has been on my TBR list for a while and I'm very glad I have now read it. The book sucked me in from the first few pages, and once I started reading I couldn't stop! The relationship between Samantha and Jase was written beautifully. Even though it progressed quickly, it didn't feel like instalove. The character development in Samantha was great! She went from a shy girl who did anything her monstrous mother said, to a bright confident young women. I think that Jase really helped Samantha "come out of her shell" and Samantha helped Jase deal with the stress of all that he is going through in the novel. This book was very relatable and realistic. I could picture myself in the main characters situation perfectly. Overall this book was all I expected it to be and more! It definitely deserves the hype!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars!

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