Thursday, May 28, 2015

Let's Talk Books! Discussion #2

Topic: Book covers

We've all heard the saying, "Never judge a book by its cover." This is what I think of that

In my opinion the cover is the first thing that makes me pick up a book, so if it looks boring, or ugly I most likely won't pick it up... 

Im not saying I'm proud I do this, but its true. 

The cover sets the whole mood of the book; so if its plain, boring, or out right ugly looking, people aren't going to be tempted to pick it up and read the synopsis. I also think the spine should be eye catching, because thats the first thing you usually see in a bookstore or library.

It's really sad that people judge books on their covers because some of the best books are not always the prettiest.
Now onto the real issue....

Books in a series whose covers don't match... 

No matter how hard I've tried, I can't come up with a logical explanation on why publishers wouldn't make the series covers match.

So, now I am going to list a couple of reasons why all books (part of the same series) should match.

Reason #1- It looks nice on my book shelves. I think everyone can agree that it looks so much better when books are all the same hight and the covers in series look great together.

Reason #2- So that people can identify the series. If you have a bunch of book in a series that match, and one that doesn't people will never guess the book is part of the same series. 

Reason #3- Well.... I can't really come up with any more... Besides the fact that it's annoying if they don't.
 So... Yeah. 

Q: What are you thoughts on book covers that don't match??? Comment below!

This has been my thoughts on book covers.... I don't really know how to end this...(awkward)

Almost as awkward as this handshake:

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