Monday, September 15, 2014

Lola and the Boy Next Door By: Stephanie Perkins

Author: Stephanie Perkins

Published By:  Dutton

Released: September 29th, 2011

Official Synopsis: "Budding designer Lola Nolan doesn't believe in fashion... she believes in costume. The more expressive the outfit-the more sparkly, more fun, more wild- the better. And life is pretty close to perfect in Lola's world, especially with her hot rocker boyfriend. That is, until the dreaded Bell twins, Calliope and Cricket, return to the neighborhood and unearth a past of hurt and anguish that Lola thought was long buried. When talented inventor Cricket steps out of his twin sister's shadow and back into Lola's life, she must finally reconcile a lifetime of feelings for the boy next door." 

My Review: 

Before I get started on my review I'm going to recommend that you read the first book in the series called Anna and the French Kiss

 Lola the main character is 17 years old. A free spirit, and is an aspiring fashion designer. She has a boyfriend named Max; a twenty-two year old rocker. In the beginning of the book we are told that she wants three simple wishes; to attend the winter formal dressed as Marie Antoinette, to have her dads approve of her boyfriend, and finally to never see the Bell twins ever again. Lola believes that Max is THE ONE; but things start to change when her biggest fear has come true... The Bell twins have moved back next door, Calliope and Cricket. Calliope is an amazing figure skater who is about to get on the Olympic team. Cricket is an inventor, practically a genius, but he has always been in his sisters shadow. Something happened between them as young kids that starts to unravel as you read the story. What's interesting about this book is that Cricket at the very beginning confesses his love for Lola. So most of the book is about her conflicted feelings for Cricket and Max.

 I loved how the characters from Anna and the French Kiss were very involved in this book. The characters all had quirky looks and personalities; Which made it more relatable. The character development in this book was great! Lola had a very hard time growing up without her mother. Her mother choose a life of drugs and booze over her... And you see how much that hurt her and effected her feelings towards many people. She's a strong, independent woman; which was very refreshing to read about. We need more characters like her to get rid of the "damsel in distress" stereotype! The relationship between Lola and Cricket is sooooo cute! They're my new OTP!!  Overall this book was great! I recommend this book if you liked Anna and the French Kiss. 

I give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars!       

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