Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Perfected By: Kate Jarvik Birch

Author: Kate Jarvik Birch

Published By: Entangled Teen

Released: July 1st, 2014

Official Synopsis: "I was bred to be the perfect pet. I was bred for my beauty and grace, to be a showpiece, an ornament to sit upon the couch, to sing, to dance, to play the piano and paint. I was bred to willingly put my owner's happiness before my own.

Until Penn. The handsome and rebellious son of the congressman who owns me, he's the only person who's seen past my perfect exterior to the girl underneath. Falling for him is forbidden, falling for him is freeing.

But there's a dark underworld lurking beneath my pampered life. the only thing more dangerous than staying with Penn's family is escaping it, because if I fail, I face a fate far worse than death..."

My review:  When I first started reading this book I thought it was going to be a dystopian novel, but I was wrong it's more of a love story. The book starts out with the main character (who doesn't have a name yet) telling us about who and what she is. She's considered a "pet". She's apart of the select few who are MADE to look perfect and raised in a "kennel" where they learn to be proper ladies. Then sold to the wealthiest bidders at an auction at the age of 16. When you own a pet you are considered the highest of society. The main character gets bought by a congressmen and his wife who have two kids; a little girl named Ruby and a 17 year old boy named Penn. The main character has an amazing talent, she plays the piano; she is very gifted and gets lost in music. Penn also loves music but his father will not let him pursue his passion. Ella and Penn soon connect through their love of music. But there is a big problem; the congressmen is a VERY bad guy and wants Ella to himself... The book follows Ella and Penn's forbidden love.

 The character development was okay. It wasn't bad, just kind of predictable. A few of the things I didn't enjoy was that Ella was completely clueless about everything. (She didn't even know that people kiss on the lips.) It made her sound kind of stupid... also I would like to see more world building. The concept is so intriguing and I feel that the book doesn't even cover a fraction of it.  on a better note, It was very interesting reading about the congressmen's past and uncovering what happened to their first "pet". the author does a good job making the characters personalities very distinct.The story was good except for the ending... It left so many unanswered questions. Overall I enjoyed this story and will read the sequel if there is going to be one.

I give this book 3.5 out of 5 stars!


  1. The whole idea of the book sounds intriguing. I kind of want to read. :)

    1. It really is! I've never read anything like it!
