Saturday, October 11, 2014

Prodigy By: Marie Lu

Author: Marie Lu

Published By: The Penguin Group

Released: January 29th, 2013

Official Synopsis: "Elector Primo is dead. With his son Anden in control, the Republic edges closer to chaos. Now joining the Patriots might be June and Day's only option. But choosing sides comes at a cost.... If the Patriots are to trust them, June and Day must assassinate the new elector.

Yet the more June and Day discover about the revolution, the more suspicious they become. What if the new elector is nothing like his father? What if he's their chance for a new beginning."

My Review: I'm going to start off my review by saying how pleased I was with this book. I was very surprised because sometimes the 2nd book in a Trilogy isn't always as great as the first. If you haven't read the first book, Legend; I recommend checking out my review and seeing if you want to start it.

As you probably read  in the synopsis, elector Primo is dead.(not a spoiler) June and Day are recruited to assassinate the new elector, former elector Primo's son Anden. But will killing Anden do any good? Is he the person who can change this country? Those are some of the questions June and Day face. As you read this book secretes about all the countries will be revealed. You as the reader, will find out who June and Day should trust, and who is "playing" them. Thoughout the book June and Day start to realize who the real bad guys are, and it's not who they expected... Will June and Day switch sides? Read the book to find out!

 I have to be honest guys, in the beginning I wasn't really feeling it, the book was going a bit slow; but that changed very quickly. In Prodigy you get to see a lot more of the Patriots than you did in the first book. Also Kaede plays a big role towards the end. One of the things I was not a big fan of is the love triangle presented in this book. I'm not telling you who it is, but you can probably figure it out. It just didn't match up with that characters personalities. However I loved how much character development was in this book!(mostly with Day) All the characters showed their strengths and weaknesses and knew when they were at fault. The world of Legend keeps getting darker and more secretive which will keep you on the edge of your seat! The ending was such a cliff hanger and it felt like my heart was being ripped out! I can't wait to start the next book soon! (and by soon I mean immediately after I'm done writing this review, lol)

Review for Legend
Review for Champion

I give this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars!

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