Friday, January 16, 2015

Dealing with Devils By: Pembroke Sinclair

Author: Pembroke Sinclair

Published By: Booktrope

Release Date: January 16th, 2015

Official Synopsis: "Dating a demon has its advantages, like helping deliver souls to Hell. Wait...what?
Katie's world has been turned upside down. She's fallen for Josh-despite the fact that he's a demon from Hell. Wes is finally out of her system and her life. Convinced she can change Josh, she sets out to make him a better person, only to find out things aren't as simple as she'd originally thought. For one thing, Josh has Katie help him deliver souls to Hell, and she kind of likes it. And to top it off, other more powerful demons are battling for her soul, and revelations from the past could change the course of her life forever."

*I was given this book in exchange for my honest review*
My Review: This book starts a little bit later than the last book left off. Katie and Josh are now an "item" and all communications with Wes has been cut off... Katie seems to have excepted her fate of being evil, and is now going around helping Josh harvest souls.

This book Katie is A LOT more excepting of demons. She has these very sweet and special moments with Josh and Katie begins to think that maybe she can change him? Most of this book is spent with Josh and not as much with Deb or Wes.

A new character is introduced and he is a higher level demon. He has taken an interest in Katie and Josh, and Katie does not like it... However, I thought he made a great edition to the book. Deb on the other had was starting to get on my nerves.... a lot.... She always wanted to be the center of attention and whenever Katie got ANY attention from a guy she would get really mean and jealous. I started to see what kind of person Deb really was. 

I felt like Josh was playing with Katie's feelings for most of the book... And she doesn't realize it. (which is really annoying considering she recognized it with Wes....!) He was protective, loving, and (most of the time) honest. But at times he could have been more understanding... But he is a demon, so I wouldn't expect him to be. In this book Katie spends more time in Hell. She meets the king, Lucifer. What she discovers changes her perspective on everything...

There still wasn't too much change in Katie but she did come to many realizations about herself, which I really liked reading about. The different places she and Josh (as well as the new guy) went were described well! There was just the right amount of detail to imagine it without the scene dragging on too long. As I said in my other review; I really enjoyed how Katie had a constant struggle with doing the right and wrong thing. Because it is so relate-able, as humans we often chose the wrong path just because it's exciting, but that's not always the best decision... In this book Katie started to get clueless. It doesn't make sense to me why she would even want to be around evil... Let alone date it! She wasn't making smart decisions (Not that she ever has...) And it was really getting on my nerves! Katie still hasn't made a final decision about what side to choose, and I think it's about time she does. I was kind of annoyed by Katie's best friend Deb during the whole book. There was a change in her, and not a good one... Her mood changed instantly. I wish the author would of foreshadowed more, because it was out of nowhere... I also wish that Wes would of shown up more, the book felt like it was all about Katie and Josh's (messed up) relationship. Overall this was wasn't an amazing book, but if you liked the first book then I would give it a shot!

Review for The Appeal of Evil (Book #1): Here

Goodreads: Dealing with Devils

I give this book a 3.5 out of 5 stars!

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