Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Appeal of Evil By: Pembroke Sinclair

Author: Pembroke Sinclair

Published By: Booktrope

Released: January 17, 2014  

Official Synopsis "Katie wants to invest her heart and soul in love, but she may lose both to Hell. Katie, a senior in high school, is torn between loving the “good” guy, her childhood friend Wes who makes promises he doesn’t keep and abandons her when she needs him the most, and the “bad” guy, the new kid at school Josh who is also a real demon from Hell. Katie wants someone who pays attention to her and puts her first, but what is she willing to give up to find him?"

*I was sent this book in exchange for an honest review*
My Review: Katie, the main character, is a senior in high school. She lives a pretty normal life. She does well in school, is on the varsity volleyball team, and has a major crush on a guy from school named Wes. Katie has a normal teenage life.

Katie's crush, Wes, has been one of her best friends since she was a little girl, he lives right across the street. But unfortunately he likes to play games with her feelings.... He's a great listener and seems very sincere at times, but he never keeps his promises. Katie decided it's time to get over him. 

But things get even more complicated when the most popular guy in school takes an interest in Katie... And she's thrilled, but of course, Wes is not... Suddenly Wes and the new guy, Josh, have a HUGE fight to try to win over Katie... And she doesn't know what to think about it all.

Almost out of nowhere Katie is thrown into a world of demons and angels, heaven and hell.  but who is she to trust... The guy who always breaks his promises, or the one who seems perfect... but has a dark secrete... 

The character development in Katie wasn't great but it was okay. The Appeal of Evil is the first book in a series so I wasn't expecting to much of a change in Katie. One thing I wasn't a big fan of was how Katie instantly fell in love with Josh (Instalove).... He seemed like a great guy and all, but seriously, after one week they were "madly in love" It was a little annoying....The exposition was written well. I could visualize the setting and characters. I really liked the main character, at times... She stood up for herself and didn't let other people tell her what to do. But she couldn't ever make up her mind... The world building was good. The places that they went to were described with the perfect amount of detail. Overall I think this book had a really good idea behind it; but the writing didn't do it much justice. I liked certain aspects of the story! For example, I liked was how relatable Katie was. She was a normal teenager that happened to fall into a crazy situation. This book shows the struggle that people go through everyday, which is making the right choices... The message it teaches is really good and makes up for the slight imperfections. This is a good book and I recommend it if you want to read a teenage paranormal romance story! I can't wait to read the next book in the series to see how it unfolds!

I give this book 3.5 out of 5 stars!

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