Saturday, November 15, 2014

Book Blogger TMI Tag!

(Disclaimer: I didn't come up with the tag; and I also didn't do some of the questions because I wouldn't have had an answer for them)

What book are you currently reading?
I am currently reading Destined For Doon by: Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon. And loving it! Except for the fact I just lost the page number I was

What are you wearing?
A blueish/grey cardigan with a tank-top and jeans.

(OTP means one true pairing)

There is so many i can't choose one! ugh....

Okay, okay, I'll pick. One of my favorite OTP's are Anna and Etienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss. I mean come on guys, Stephanie Perkins is one of the queens of contemporary writing.   

Review on: Anna and the French Kiss

Blogger or WordPress?
Blogger, because I've never used WordPress.

Going outside and being active or staying in and reading a book? 
Even though I love reading I also love volleyball, I play indoor but it's still active. So I would have to go with going outside and being active.

What is the book you're going to read next?
I really want to read Silent Echo; because I've seen so much hype on it in the book-tube community.

Ebooks-yes or no?
No. I get their more convenient, but it's hard for me focus on the screen.(And I like the way physical books look on my shelf)

Where do you prefer to read.
Any place where it's quiet and comfy.

Who is your favorite book-tuber?
I have soooo many! I can't choose one so I'll list a few:

Little Book Owl

What do you do when someone tells you reading is boring?
I say to him/her, "You just haven't found the right book yet."

Who is your all time favorite book character?
Sorry guy's, I can't choose...

I'm going to have to go with USYA just because I feel like there is different writing styles between the two. I'm more familiar with the US style because, well, I live there. lol

What is your preferred drink while reading?
Idk. Maybe coffee or sweet tea.

If you had the choice to meet all your favorite book bloggers or all your favorite authors, which would you choose?
I would choose to meet all my favorite authors; because I mean who wouldn't? 

Favorite author?
It changes all the time but right now it would be, Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon.(Uh Oh. I cheated... I picked two) 

Do you prefer books with female or male protagonists? 
It really depends on the book. But I'm going to say female, because I can relate more to how they feel.

What is your favorite book to movie adaptation?
TFIOS. Do I have to say

What is the last song you listed to?
I'm going to put last 4 songs because I'm a rebel. lol

Miss Jackson- Panic! At the Disco
In Bloom- Nirvana
Teenagers- My Chemical Romance
Wonderwall- Oasis

Which do you enjoy reading more, negative reviews or positive reviews?
If I like the book, positive. If I don't like the book, negative.

Finally, who do you tag?
Anyone who wants to do the tag!

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