Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Book Blogger Test!

(Disclaimer: I did not come up with this tag nor do I know who did.)

What are your top 3 book pet peeves?

1) When there's a weak female protagonist. IDK if I'm the only one here, but it bugs me sooooo much when the character has to rely on her man!
2) Book's that have super confusing endings! 
    (*fake coughs* Emerald Green....) 
3) Pointless love triangles!

Describe you're perfect reading spot.

Anywhere that's comfy, so a chair or couch.

Tell us 3 book confessions.

1) Sometimes I'll look ahead to the end of the page or chapter               (oops...) 

2) I will not read some books because there so hyped up that I'm scared I'll be the only one who won't like it... lol

3) If I see the movie before I read the book I most likely will not read the book. I know it's ridiculous but I feel that I'm going to already know what is going to happen and not enjoy it... Does anyone else have this problem?? lol  

How many books are on your bedside table?

What is your favorite snack while reading?

I like goldfish and pretzels...

Name 3 books you would recommend to everyone.

1) Legend

2) Doon series. 

3) The Giver

Show you're favorite bookshelf on your bookcase.

It's actually not my shelf ,it's my favorite books placed on my desk...
Write how much books mean to you in 3 words.

Books. Are. Life.

What is your biggest reading secrete?

(Don't tell anyone. Wait I'm telling the whole world....)
 Okay here it is: I haven't read Harry Potter!!!! idk what's wrong with me it's just so intimidating!!! I really should... lol


  1. Don't worry if you have not read harry potter, my friend which I blog with hasn't as well! Despite my best attempts to get her to do so.

    1. Everybody tells me I need to read them. (especially being a book blogger and all, lol) It's just so intimidating, 7 books!
      Hopefully someday soon I'll read it (and realize what I'm missing out on! lol)
